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Switch Cisco
New! Catalyst 1200 Series Switches
Catalyst 1200 48-port GE, 4x1G SFP
SEAGATE ONE TOUCH WITH PASSWORD PROTECTION 2TB LIGHT BLUE (STKY2000402)/3Y | AV 3TB SATA3(6Gb/s) cache 64MB 5400 RPM | HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2335 Wudang AIO (RF) - Lavender |
2,490.00 บาท
2,900.00 บาท
3,100.00 บาท
HDD BLUE 4TB 5400RPM SATA3(6Gb/s) 256MB | Western Digital 2TB 128MB 7200RPM SATA ULTRA 512N SE 7K2 | DeathAdder V2 Pro – Genshin Impact Edition (RZ01-03350200-R3M1) |
3,500.00 บาท
4,500.00 บาท
4,500.00 บาท
24-port GbE L2 Smart Switch + 2 SFP slots, rackmount, fanless | HP E24q G5 QHD Monitor | FR 19″ PERFORATION EXPORT SERVER RACK 27U (60×80 cm.) |
6,900.00 บาท
9,500.00 บาท
16,499.00 บาท